Mailing Address
S. L. Hindmarsh Insurance Agency Inc.
166 Liberty St.
Quincy MA, 02169)
Directions From the North
93 South towards Quincy. Merg onto Rt. 3 South. Take exit 19 Quincy Center/MBTA Station. Turn Left ont Center St. Turn right onto Liberty St., S. L. Hindmarsh Insurance is on the right.
Buisiness Hours
Monday-Friday: 9am - 5pm
Telephone: 617-479-0847
Fax: 617-472-4389
Directions From the South
Take Route 24 North toward Boston. Merge onto 93 North. Exit 21A toward Boston. Take the Route 3 exit 17 toward Cape Cod. Merge onto Burgin Parkway Exit 19 Quincy Center/MBTA Station. Turn Left onto Center St. Turn right onto Liberty St., S. L. Hindmarsh Insurance is on the right.
Directions From the South Shore
Take Route 3 North toward Braintree/Boston, take exit 19 Burgin Parkway. Turn Left onto Center St. Turn right onto Liberty St., S. L. Hindmarsh Insurance is on the right.